How We Partner With Our Customers to Achieve Mutual Growth

How We Partner With Our Customers To Achieve Mutual Growth And Success

Our UK Strategic Account Manager for Brandsafe, Paul Roehricht, considers the critical role aftersales care and partnership plays in delivering the highest standards of safety and protection in the warehouse and logistics environment. 

It should really go without saying that taking care of your customers once you have provided and installed products is best practice and the number one priority for any supplier. But too often in the scramble to deliver and look for new customers, it can be to easy to fail to follow through or appreciate that active aftercare can be beneficial for business.

Indeed, aftersales care and support reflects a genuine insight into customer needs as well as an opportunity for a supplier to secure additional business in future: it’s been estimated that margins generated by post-sales activities can be several times higher than those of initial product sales.

Good customer service does not stop once a purchase has been made, installed and your team has left the building. It’s only right that customers investing significant sums in safety and impact protection systems – indeed, any products – deserve the highest quality service, fast and effective resolution of problems or queries, as well as a touch of added value.

Understanding demand and managing the supply chain efficiently to secure product stock levels, supported by the deployment to customer sites of skilled, well resourced service teams, who understand the nuances and critical issues on the ground when it comes to onsite installation of systems and products, are key ingredients in a recipe for getting things right first time, every time. For example, if you cannot supply customers with the right part or product when they need it, and then install properly, they will go elsewhere.

Positive experience

Customers will be far more satisfied if they see your demonstrable focus on service and aftercare support, too. They’re more likely to purchase from you in the future if they have a positive experience of your company and project management capabilities – they may even recommend the brand to other potential customers as a result. For most companies, better service and aftersales support boosts revenue, delivers greater profitability and inevitably creates a powerful competitive advantage for the brand. Simply put, it’s good business.

Undoubtedly, the current pandemic is re-shaping the way many organisations conduct business. And this can be reflected in the role partnership plays in areas such as project management – and how sector suppliers such as Brandsafe go the extra mile.

Suppliers and customers who adopt a partnership approach can see rewards and reap significant benefits; particularly in the warehouse and logistics industry, which has been prone to accusations of unwillingness to share best practice and engage collaboratively on safety matters to drive wholesale improvements for the benefit of all sector operators.

Supply chain collaboration has a lot to offer. Relying on your supply partner to effectively project manage critical installations, for example, can reduce costs while improving quality and service levels.  As we see online sales surge as a result of the pandemic seemingly without end, many retailers and distributors are peddling fast to re-organise and invest to either upgrade or redevelop existing warehouse infrastructures, or build new multi-complexes and international distribution hubs to accommodate strategic growth and expansion.

Operators may be rightly concerned about investing at a time when managing the bottom line is crucial but, with so much current change in consumer behaviour and purchasing decisions, there is no time for businesses to rest on their laurels.

Indeed, online sales in 2020 are expected to grow 19% year-on-year, up from pre-pandemic estimates of 11%, rising from a total of £66bn in 2019 to almost £80bn this year. Some forecasters suggest UK e-commerce will grow in value by as much as £5.3bn by the end of the year. Supermarket supply chains are also seeing big surges in demand, placing additional pressure on their distribution and supply chain infrastructure. 

Partnership delivers

Skilled labour, which should be utilised effectively, is a resource in short supply, whose use must be effectively deployed. Many businesses in the warehouse and logistics sector might not be able attract or retain all the skills they require to support their capital investment and redevelopment plans, or may need these skills on a more flexible basis. Working in partnership with your supplier, who will have the requisite experience and expertise in place and available for use, will add even more supply chain value and allow people to benefit from skilled resources.

Innovative approaches can be shared throughout our sector, opening up advantages and delivering benefits for all. Partnership can make things a lot easier, quicker and cheaper, helping to support your health and safety commitments as you move into new geographical areas, expand operations or enter markets to access new customers and opportunities.

It will unquestionably facilitate new dynamics in the supplier/customer relationship, paving the way to mutually beneficial commercial and operational advantages. So in a sector that constantly evolves to meet the ebb and flow of changing consumer tastes and faces challenges around keeping people safe and secure while maximising productivity, surely there’s no better time to explore partnership with your suppliers and the role it plays in delivering the highest standards of protection?

About Brandsafe

Brandsafe specialises in bespoke designed impact protection systems and solutions for distribution centres, warehouses, and manufacturing and production facilities. The company’s innovative product range combines the versatility of polymer with the inherent strength and cost-effectiveness of steel. Brandsafe prides itself on its unmatched project and consulting expertise, which provides an unrivalled solution for companies who put safety first. Contact our expert team to see how we can help you on your project.

Understanding HGV Blind Spots for Better Impact Protection

Understanding HGV Blind Spots For Better HGV Protection

When it comes to HGV protection, one of the most important ways to manage the risk of accidents is to closely examine the potential blind spots around your site. Where are they likely to be, how can drivers manage them and what safety products can companies use to reduce the risks.

Thanks to the investment companies make in driver training – and creating logical and safe access points at their premises – accidents involving HGVs are thankfully infrequent. However, when they do happen, they can be catastrophic.

Even within the confines of business premises, HGVs have the capacity to cause serious injury or to kill a pedestrian or driver. They can also create major structural damage, resulting in significant business interruption and cost. Having the contents of a lorry written off – or bodywork repairs to commission – can be the least of your concerns when a vehicle backs into a loading bay pillar or fails to manoeuvre around a height-restricted structure.

This demands that any sites where HGVs operate must regularly assess their risks, including the less obvious ones. What potential is there for blind spots which could hamper even the most advanced HGV driver? Then, you need to install impact safety products that protect HGV drivers, pedestrians and your buildings.

Industry reaction to the perils of blind spots

Of course, this is not an issue solely of concern to companies with large vehicles entering and leaving their premises. There is a growing awareness nationwide that more steps are needed to manage HGV safety on UK roads

This has resulted in some manufacturers and operators fitting vehicles with the latest technologies, including sensor systems with driver alerts, camera monitoring systems, Class V and VI mirrors and audible left-turn warnings, for example.

In London, drivers now need HGV Safety Permits to avoid a ban from the capital’s roads. These permits are only issued if vehicles meet a list of attributes designed to keep both pedestrians and cyclists safe.

The primary source of HGV blind spots is, of course, the visibility restrictions created by their own bodywork. This can leave larger lorries unable to see small cars that are right alongside them, let alone cyclists, people on foot and low-lying structures.

Even technology can’t solve all the problems this creates. The emphasis often needs to be on aids that help commercial vehicles manoeuvre and park smoothly.

Low-cost products that mitigate HGV blind spots

When it comes to HGV protection and keeping your staff safe on your premises, the Brandsafe products that can assist you are inexpensive to buy, and easy to install.

Some of our products are designed to act as shock absorbers, reducing the potential for vehicles to damage structures or their own wheels and bodywork, such as column wraps and bollards.

Others are simple but clever ways to manage HGV blind spots, at the same time as speeding up vehicle maneuvering, which makes delivery and loading swifter.

For example:

HGV Cranked Wheel Dock Guides

HGV Cranked Dock Wheel Guides

This is a contemporary innovation, based on traditional systems to guide HGVs into place on raised level loading docks. Available in two different lengths, our high-vis cranked guides are also a great way to protect vehicle wheel rims from costly damage.

HGV Straight Wheel Dock Guides

HGV Straight Dock Wheel Guides

These galvanised HGV wheel guides are also available in two sizes. They help drivers reverse or drive forwards on to raised level loading docks more intuitively.

HGV Wheel Stops

HGV Wheel Stops (Rubber)

A great parking aid for HGVs is our high-vis wheel stops, engineered from recycled truck tyres. Having these installed also helps pedestrians to see where HGVs, buses and other commercial vehicles will be manoeuvring. Our durable moulded wheel stops come with all the fixing items needed to create clear stopping points on your concrete or tarmac.

Illuminating your site’s blind spots

Getting your HGVs into place efficiently is important to keeping productivity up, and accident rates down. Having impact safety products from our range installed will definitely be welcomed by drivers too. They will be able to do their job in a more assured manner.

Get in touch with the team at Brandsafe for more information about HGV protection and related products, impact deterrents and manoeuvring guides, to manage workplace risks on your site.