The Rise of Electric Vehicles and What This Means for Businesses

By now you’ve undoubtedly heard of them, you’ve likely seen a good few out on the road, or perhaps you even own or lease one yourself. The rise of electric vehicles is a significant development that has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years.

As a result, this is affecting a variety of businesses, meaning that companies are being forced to adapt to the logistical and infrastructural changes the EV market is bringing about. We take a look at what those changes are, and what this means in practice for different sectors.

Automotive Industry

The automotive industry is, of course, one of the most impacted industries of the EV movement, as electric vehicles represent a significant shift in the technology and engineering of cars.

As electric vehicles continue to grow in popularity, companies that specialise in the production of traditional vehicles may struggle to adapt. They’ll need to place particular focus on innovation and modernisation if they hope to compete with the rest of the EV market.

Energy Industry

It goes without saying that the energy industry will experience unprecedented demand for electricity as electric vehicles become increasingly commonplace.

The pressure to increase efficiency and capacity is likely to put pressure on many energy companies in order for them to effectively cope with the rising demand.

Charging Infrastructure

As more and more people invest in electric vehicles, the demand for charging infrastructure will rapidly increase.

Think offices, supermarkets, and shopping centre car parks. The majority of these will currently only have a few dedicated EV charging points; however, companies are going to be forced to adapt to the ever-growing demand if they want to retain both staff and customers.

Of course, the addition of extra EV charging infrastructure isn’t cheap, but it’s an essential cost that businesses will need to consider if they want to keep up with the demands of the modern consumer and workforce.

In order to save money in the longer term, however, companies can invest in solutions such as EV charging point protection which offers cost-effective impact damage prevention for such valuable assets.

Commercial EV Charging Point Protection


Businesses are currently under increasing pressure to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability, and the rise of electric vehicles merely serves to further this cause.

By installing EV charging infrastructure, companies can not only show they care about their employees, customers, and the environment but also that they are focused on adapting to, and supporting, eco-friendly change.

EV Charging Point Protection

At Brandsafe, we are a team of technical experts who are proud to be pioneers in superior performance, high visibility, and sustainable impact protection for the industrial workspace. To find out more about how we can help your business, contact us today to speak with our team.